"Exciting" West End Baptist Church
"Saving the Lost, Teaching the Saved to Serve"

Noon Day Bible Study - Wednesday @ 11:30 AM
Wednesday Worship and Bible Study - Wednesday @ 6:30 PM
Sunday School - Sundays @ 10 AM
Sunday Service - Sundays @ 11 AM

Community Alliance Program (CAP)​
"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. "
1 Corinthians 13:13
CAP is a nonprofit 501C3 entity of the West End Baptist Church established solely to focus on the establishment of community focused programs which sustain, enhance or improves the lives of San Antonio families for the sole purpose of charity, education or religious purpose. Community and support programs include:
College​ and University Workshop and symposium
- This program provides education of college or university selection and scholarship information. Speakers are interactive and participants will leave with a plan of action.​
Please contact the church office or email provided below for more information.
Point of contact: Sister Marie Cooper @ cooper.marie72@gmail.com & Bro. Nikai Gibson
Food bank​
- This event provides free food for individuals in zip codes 78201 and 78207.
Please contact the church office or email provided below for more information.
Point of contact: Sister Wanda Polk @ wperkins60@yahoo.com
I in ME Youth Development Symposium
- This youth development initiative is a community outreach project aimed at enhancing family and youth development in the areas of etiquette and manners, social graces, college and career preparedness and establishing your brand. Participants gain first hand knowledge of setting a table, financial literacy and effectiveness use of social media. Please contact the church office or email provided below for more information.
Point of contact: First Lady Sandra R. Jolla @ sandra_jolla@yahoo.com
Back to School Back Pack Drive
- This event provides education, health and human service awareness, kid identification safety and well being. This event culminates after the educational awareness presentations with age-appropriate back packs with school supplies for all children within a household. Please contact the church office or email provided below for more information.
Point of contact: Ministry Leader, Desiree Mosley @ desireemosley3@gmail.com
Quarterly Outreach Programs
- Aimed at addressing the fundamental needs of the community and a forum for community presence and involvement. Please contact the church office or email provided below for more information.
Point of contact: Chairman of Brotherhood; Deacon William Paige @ wpaige49@hotmail.com
Under the Bridge Ministry
- Working in collaboration with other entities on a monthly basis to provide a hot meal for individuals who are displaced. Please contact the church office or email provided below for more information.
Point of contact: Chairman of Deacons; Deacon Ralph Williams @ ralph_35@rocketmail.com